Inclusion Support For Schools
Schools are ethically and legally obliged to cater for students with additional learning needs. For some children, these needs are identified from early childhood. For others, the need for extra support may only become clear some way into their schooling. Consultation between schools, families and support service providers is essential to understand the impact of the student's difficulties and to determine the adjustments needed to assist the student. Start Smart Tasmania offer a range of
inclusion services to help teachers navigate this, often challenging, task. We can screen students to identify the presence of difficulties, complete comprehensive written language assessments for students experiencing difficulties, assist in identifying strengths and weaknesses, support teachers to develop student learning plans, and liaise with families to organise onward specialist referral, if needed. We can also help schools develop thorough documentation and processes to consolidate and share student information with the relevant parties, including evidence of the adjustments made as required under the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD).